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Advertising on Facebook by NB Digital

Are you looking for an effective way to attract new customers to your business, as well as to keep in touch with your current ones even remotely?

Facebook is the right marketing channel for your business.

NB Digital‘s professional services in this area provide you with a working solution for:


Creation, complex management, initial settings, optimization and targeting of advertising campaigns in Facebook Ads Manager;


Creation of visions, texts, videos and other content, tailored to the specific requirements of advertising formats and advertising opportunities on Facebook.

Request a quote for Facebook advertising from NB Digital

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Frequently Asked Questions

In most cases, this type of service is offered on a subscription basis, thus achieving consistency in the implementation of the advertising strategy, consistency in communication and optimization of results.

Optimizing ad campaigns is an ongoing process that requires constant commitment from both our team and you.

The right strategy, as well as choosing the right format and audience, are key to the effectiveness of any advertising campaign.

Our teams have experience managing hundreds of advertising campaigns for multiple businesses in different countries and will make the best combination for your business.

The price varies depending on the number of services the customer uses, the length of time they are provided and other conditions.

Contact NB Digital to get a specific price for Facebook page management, maintenance and advertising.

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