Professional subscription support services for Facebook business pages from the NB Digital team. Learn more about our service or request it here.

Facebook page support for your business from NB Digital


Reach your target audience of users and create an active relationship with them using the world’s largest social network – Facebook.


NB Digital is your trusted partner in providing Facebook page creation, management and subscription support services.

Invest in your business Facebook page with NB Digital

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, especially if you want to build a strong presence on Facebook, the need for professional support for your page is key.

The cost varies according to the nature of the business, the type of support and many other factors.

To get a specific price for maintenance of your business Facebook page from NB Digital, contact our team.

The service provided by NB Digital includes the entire support process, including:

  • Page production (if not available);
  • Regular publishing of content (visions, posts, videos, ads);
  • Settings, managing and updating information.

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