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Dynamic Remarketing with NB Digital

Dynamic remarketing is one of the most effective ways to attract customers and followers.

The strategy of this marketing model is to show advertisements about your products or services to users who have already shown interest in them on other websites, and the banners include the products they have viewed in your online store.

Benefit from professional dynamic remarketing for your business with the services of NB Digital!

Google Dynamic Display Remarketing with NB Digital

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In-depth analysis of user behaviour and interests

Remarketing is a strategy for creating ads based on the behavior of users who have already visited your website and have shown interest in your online store’s products and/or services.

For the purposes of dynamic remarketing advertising, it is critical to understand the behavior of these visitors and create content based on their habits, needs and interests.

Users who have once visited a page on your website are much more likely to return and buy from your products and services, as long as they are targeted correctly.

We will make an effort to get to know the personality of our users and their interests, with the main goal of turning them into your customers.

Create custom retargeting campaigns

With dynamic remarketing, you’ll be able to use the power of advertising to show your content to an audience that’s likely to be interested in it.

At NB Digital, we know the possibilities of this advertising format and are ready to use them to grow your business.

We use the most advanced remarketing methods – paid advertising on Google Ads or Criteo, specific content creation and specialized targeting on all advertising platforms.

Criteo remarketing with NB Digital

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Developing dynamic advertising visions

At NB Digital, we use dynamic remarketing to deliver ads that are personalised to user behaviour.

With our help, you can ensure that your advertising material is attractive and relevant to your audience.

Personalise the user experience

Dynamic remarketing allows you to personalize the user experience by delivering the exact information users are looking for.

Displaying personalised ads on your website can boost consumer interest and increase the likelihood that they’ll come back and make a purchase.

Execution of retargeting campaigns across platforms and devices

With NB Digital and Dynamic Remarketing, you can run ad retargeting campaigns across platforms and devices.

That way, you’re sure your ads will reach the right audience on each ad channel.

Whether they’re on Google Ads or another display network, we at NB Digital will optimize them to be as effective as possible.

Tracking and reporting on campaign effectiveness and user engagement

One of the key elements of any remarketing campaign is tracking the performance of the ads on your website.

At NB Digital, we use the tools you need to track and report on the effectiveness of your retargeting campaigns.

You’ll learn how many users saw your ads, how many people clicked on them, and how many made a purchase.

This gives us the ability to measure results and optimize your future campaigns for better results.

Regular optimization and improvement of campaigns


It’s important to us that your advertising is effective, and effective advertising requires regular optimization.


We’ll analyse the data, monitor trends and make the necessary adjustments to maximise results with your advertising campaigns.


With us, you have the opportunity to use dynamic remarketing to drive real results.

Invest in Dynamic Remarketing with NB Digital

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Frequently Asked Questions

Remarketing is a marketing approach that allows you to show personalised ads to users who have already visited your website or shown interest in your products or services.

Using display ads in remarketing gives you the ability to reach users across websites and platforms by displaying ads on Google’s display network, Criteo and other platforms.

To use Google remarketing for your website, you must create a product feed that updates in real time and link it to your Google Ads account.

You need to install the Google Ads tag that will track user activity on your site, or create relevant audiences in GA4

You can then create personalised ads and show them to those users when they visit other sites that have included their own ad positions in the Google Ads network or another display network.

This will boost your brand visibility and help you attract more customers.

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