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Keyword research for website by NB Digital

Website keyword research – expert SEO services for your website and/or online store from the NB Digital agency. Learn more or request the service here.


In order to view your products and services and make a purchase, a customer must first reach your website or e-store.


This is usually done by searching for certain keywords and phrases that customers type into the Google search box.


NB Digital performs keyword research, based on which it prepares an SEO strategy, the purpose of which is to be applied to your website content in order to increase potential traffic to it.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Keywords and keyword phrases are needed for both creating good SEO content and implementing Google advertising (PPC – pay per click) in Google Ads.

From an SEO perspective, these are words and phrases that are determinative of a website’s content in terms of the products and services offered. When the right words are placed in the right way on a page of a website, it becomes relevant to user search and can be found in a search engine without paying for advertising.

Yes, keyword research is a must if your business goals include achieving better search engine rankings and more sales from organic traffic.

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