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Magazine and newspaper advertising for your business from NB Digital

Your press advertising campaign can lead to great success if it is planned and implemented professionally.

Trust NB Digital for your magazine or newspaper ad and get better visibility for your brand or the products and services you offer.

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Why advertise in newspapers and magazines for your business?

It should be noted that press continues to be an effective advertising channel for many B2B-focused campaigns.

And when implemented in the right print media, it helps to run successful image campaigns and reach profiled audiences (especially in magazines).

How can NB Digital help you with your press advertising?

At NB Digital, we offer you services for planning your advertising campaigns in various newspapers and magazines published in the country.

  • We can assist you in preparing relevant advertising banners, brand pages and other materials for publication in the magazine or newspaper in which you will advertise;
  • We work with the advertising departments of major media groups in Bulgaria, and negotiate competitive rates for advertisers;
  • We will advise you on the most effective ways of implementing your advertising, as well as the choice of media in which it would be good to display.

Ask about advertising in magazines and newspapers for businesses from NB Digital

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, even though digital media channels are taking over from print – newspapers and magazines, many businesses are still running effective print advertising campaigns.

The cost of advertising in print media depends primarily on the circulation, the type of advertising format to be published, the subject matter and other factors.

Most often these are advertising boxes of different sizes. Branded pages, advertising articles, PR materials and other forms of advertising are also used.

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