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Media advertising for your business across all channels from NB Digital

The media remains one of the most preferred channels where many different brands count for consumer attention.

NB Digital offers you services for media advertising of your brand in different channels – TV, radio, outdoor advertising, press.

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Helping you advertise your brand in the right places

We make a concerted effort to develop your brand by advising you on the right advertising channel for it.

NB Digital will develop the right advertising formats and strategies for you and will assist you in their implementation in the respective media type.

TV commercials

Television is one of the most preferred advertising channels along with the internet.

Big TV generates extremely high viewership, making it a preferred advertising medium for many businesses across industries.

NB Digital can assist you with media planning, buying advertising time/positions on favorable terms, as well as developing advertising formats (videos) designed for the television airwaves.

TV advertising

Radio advertising

NB Digital will also assist you with media planning, buying advertising time and developing forms for advertising on radio, if of course the products or services you offer are suitable for advertising in this type of media.

Trust our team of marketing specialists to make sure your business’ radio advertising is successful.

Radio advertising

Outdoor advertising

NB Digital will help you with media planning, buying advertising positions on the best terms and creating designs for billboards, vinyls, signs and other types of outdoor advertising.

We’ll design it to reach a mass audience in the most relevant and impactful way.

A well-executed outdoor ad is quickly perceived, and the brand, product and/or service you present is permanently imprinted in the minds of viewers.

Outdoor advertising

Advertising in magazines and newspapers

The press remains an effective media channel for advertising, and in this case it is important to choose the right newspaper or magazine.

The choice of print media as an advertising channel depends primarily on the specifications of the product or service being advertised.

We can help you with media planning, with buying advertising positions on the best terms, as well as with the development of all formats for advertising your business in the press – banners, PR articles and other materials to be published in the selected newspaper or magazine.

Advertising in magazines and newspapers

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, many companies positioned in different industries invest in media advertising because it is effective. With its different channels, it can offer advertising opportunities to companies with both small and large budgets.

The price depends on many factors, including which channel you want to advertise on, how long your ad will be (for radio and TV), etc.

If you don’t have a definite answer to this question, you can contact our team of specialists who will be happy to advise you.

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