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Programmatic advertising with NB Digital

The use of programmatic advertising is one of the most innovative strategies in online marketing.


Programmatic advertising, based on buying ad space and ad platforms through automated bidding on multiple platforms, is experiencing rapid development and change in the modern marketing industry.


With the ability to buy ad slots and make ad changes in real time, programmatic advertising is becoming a key player in digital marketing.


At NB Digital, we offer our clients professional services for creating programmatic advertising that will reach your potential customers and seal your brand in their minds.

With programmatic advertising, you can purchase items from partner networks as well as consumer data from dozens of vendors that offer specific segments, from generic interests to those related to individual economic sectors for individual countries.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Programmatic advertising offers more specific personalization, better audience targeting and better visibility on the web.

You have control over your settings and can monitor the performance of your campaigns.

The cost of programmatic advertising can vary depending on factors such as target audience, campaign size, market competitiveness, ad space purchased and other factors.

Typically pay per click (PPC) or pay per impression (PPI) advertising.

The effectiveness of programmatic advertising campaigns is tracked in detail through monitoring and analysis of various key metrics.

These include number of clicks, conversions, CTR (Click-Through Rate) and ROI (Return on Investment).

To track and report on these metrics, we use specialized analytics and reporting tools and platforms.

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