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Radio advertising for your business with the assistance of NB Digital

At NB Digital we know that radio is still one of the leading media in Bulgaria.

Because it reaches over 80% of the population, radio gives you the opportunity to reach a large audience.

Combining radio and digital campaigns leads to a significant improvement in results.

NB Digital’s team of media specialists has carried out hundreds of advertising campaigns in various radio stations and knows in detail the possibilities of this advertising channel.

Our specialists can help you plan and manage your radio advertising.

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Why radio advertising?

The right choice of radio channel enables good consumer segmentation, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the campaign.

The leading radio station groups in Bulgaria allow you to buy advertising time, including on a regional basis, which can be a serious plus for your advertising.

In radio, you can advertise through standard commercial spots as well as in the form of modern audio ad formats.

How can NB Digital help you?

NB Digital is here to offer you professional services to plan and implement your radio advertising campaigns:

  • Creation of a text and conceptual idea for the realization of a radio advertisement
  • Creation of advertising spots and audio commercials
  • Targeting the right audiences for radio advertising
  • Cooperation in buying advertising time for radio advertising – we work directly with the leading radio groups in Bulgaria

Ask about radio advertising for your business from NB Digital

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, radio continues to be the preferred media channel for information, music listening, etc., which also makes it a great vehicle for advertising your business.

Yes, compared to other forms of media advertising, radio advertising is relatively affordable.

To use our services, all you have to do is contact our team.

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