Frequently Asked Questions

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It is the holistic approach related to positioning and advertising for your website/e-commerce store, implemented in the online environment – within the website itself, on social media, via email, and all other online channels with content.

Digital marketing is a comprehensive approach focused on how your business will be advertised.

It requires defining the following aspects:

  • The correct target audience
  • The needed content
  • Suitable ways to engage users
  • Online channels in which it is advisable to advertise the business to achieve the best results, etc.

Online advertising can be defined as a part (tool) of digital marketing that can prompt the audience to take action – engage with the brand, purchase its products, use its services, etc.

Every modern business needs digital marketing. Whether the primary focus of the business is B2B or B2C, your potential customers will seek information about you online.

Having a strategy and putting daily efforts into managing your online reputation is crucial for the development of your business, increasing sales, and attracting new customers and partners.

Digital marketing experts are the ones who can take your brand and business one step ahead of the competition, while ensuring its long-term visibility.

Sales are just one, but not the only major goal achieved through a professionally executed digital marketing strategy.

It solidifies the brand’s name, establishes a lasting business-client relationship, attracts new potential customers who were previously unfamiliar with your business, and many other benefits.

As part of the overall marketing mix, digital marketing plays a crucial role in transforming your business from a mere operation into a brand with a wide influence.

Social media offers two-way communication, increasingly preferred by users. On the other hand, it’s one of the two places your new customers will visit to research your business.

Being present in these channels allows you to “manage” the perception of your brand through active communication with users.

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok boast millions of active users daily. With the right content strategy and professional maintenance, you have the opportunity to leverage social media quickly and easily without significant advertising costs.

No, your business should be where its target audience is. Each of the major social platforms attracts audiences with different interests and demographic characteristics.

Professional digital marketing agencies, like NB DIGITAL, will guide you towards the social network or networks that have the greatest potential in terms of your business’s field of activity.

The latest research shows that consumers have more than 100 touchpoints with a brand before making their first purchase.

Remarketing is an effective way to remind those who have already visited your website/e-commerce store about your brand, products, and services but may not have made a purchase.

With this marketing tool, you increase your chances of re-engaging users who have shown interest in your business but, for some reason, haven’t made a purchase.

Establishing itself as the world’s largest search engine, Google is a place where it’s definitely worth advertising.

Reasons for this:

  • Users use Google to research companies, products, and services.
  • Unlike other channels in Google Search, users definitely show interest in the specific products/services at the moment, which is one of the steps preceding the decision to make a purchase.
  • Google provides accessible advertising opportunities and result analysis through its own tools (Google Ads, Google Analytics, and others).
  • Advertising in Google Search is a reliable way to achieve significant traffic to your site.
  • Advertising in Google Search is paid per click on the ad.
  • Visually, ads in Google Search closely resemble organic results, but in most cases, they are positioned above them.

The prices for digital marketing are determined based on the type and volume of services you need and would benefit from.

The prices and conditions are available for each of the main services offered by NB DIGITAL, and you can familiarize yourself with them in advance.

If you need more than one service feel free to сontact us, for an individual quote.

NB DIGITAL is an agency specializing in providing a full range of marketing and advertising services:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Social Media Advertising Management
  • Professional Social Media Presence Support – SMM (Social Media Marketing)
  • Content Strategy Creation and Content Marketing
  • Management of Advertising Campaigns in Google Ads – Display, Search, YouTube, Shopping Ads
  • Programmatic Advertising
  • Remarketing/Retargeting
  • Initial Setup of Profiles, Catalogs, Accounts
  • Premium Advertising
  • Marketing and Advertising Audit
  • Email Marketing
  • Commercial Promotions and Campaigns
  • Design of Websites, Stores, Logos, Banners, Videos, and more.

NB DIGITAL always enters into a contract for the services provided, outlining all terms and conditions between the parties.

A properly structured email marketing strategy is a highly effective tool for any business.

Yes. The modern consumer uses the internet to quickly and easily gather information on various topics, making a blog a key element of your website.

On one hand, it serves as a source of added value for users, and on the other hand, it contributes to better rankings for your site/e-commerce store in searches for relevant keywords.

No, NB DIGITAL’s services are entirely provided online, so the physical location of your business is not relevant.

Yes, creating such a strategy is essential for every business.

Following it allows for synergy between individual activities and the best possible results.

The answer to this question is not straightforward.

On one hand, you know your customers and products best, but on the other hand, creating quality content takes a lot of time and requires serious additional knowledge – such as understanding color symbolism, appropriate text structure and tone, the angle of shooting and lighting for products, and many other aspects.

Therefore, it’s important for content creation to be a collaborative effort where you participate alongside a team of professionals.

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